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Wailea Pualani Estates Map & Visual Market Analysis

Wailea Pualani Estates Map & Visual Market Analysis updated September 9, 2021. If you would like more information on this neighborhood, or any other on Maui, then feel free to call/text Tom Tezak at 808.280.2055 or email tom(at)tomtezak(dotted)com. Additionally, you can find information about Maui Real Estate for sale as well as other Maui activities on my Web site –

About Wailea Pualani Estates

A beautiful subdivision in Wailea, Maui consisting of 32 Hillside acres above Keawakapu Beach. There are 92 Homesites that are Fee Simple, Custom Homes.

What is a Visual Market Analysis?

The Visual Market Analysis shows a visual example of the listings that are active, pending, and sold over the past 6 months. This is a great tool for estimating the value of your property. It shows which properties are for sale, pending, and recently sold. If you are wondering “how much is my property worth?” then feel free to reach out to me for a confidential consultation.

Wailea Pualani Map/ Visual Market Analysis

In this Visual Market Analysis Map, The Red boxes show units that have sold, Blue boxes represent Pending units and Green boxes represent Active Listings.

Wailea Pualani Map & VMA (PDF)


In this month’s report there are 3 active, 3 pending, and 5 sold listings.

Finally, I want to remind you: if you live your life with Aloha, your life will be amazing.

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